Marketing Agency in Los Angeles

At Vivid Candi we are not only a full service digital advertising and marketing agency in Los Angeles. We are a group of individuals with with curious driven minds that like to create compelling experiences for our clients. Our full digital marketing agency in Los Angeles creates designs and sparks engagement in different people. We […]

Real Estate Virtual Tours

Virtual reality refers to an environment generated by a computer. People can be transported to this virtual world with just a headset and become part of the virtual environment. Virtual reality has a combination of realistic environments, sounds, and other sensations that simulate a place. The user can be part of this place without actually […]

New Year’s RESOLUTION: Responsive Web Design

A new year, another new resolution… and another, and another, and another. You may think that I am referring to the typical new years resolutions that we make every year to dramatically change our lives for the better. Well, that’s partially my intent, but we also get new devices every year with new screen resolutions. […]

Top 5 Web Development Trends For 2014

2014 is here! That means everyone can start the year off fresh with the latest web development design techniques. Here at Vivid Candi, we strive to deliver the best and latest web development techniques for our clients. We are always looking to raise the bar! Here are our top five picks for the latest web […]

Culaquier Restaurante Necesita una Pagina Web

Prepara tu restaurante para el presente y el futuro. Deja que Vivid Candi diseñe tu pagina Web.
Comunicate, participa en el futuro. 310.456.1784 o visita nuestra Pagina Web para mas Informaccion, (Pronto en version Español.)

Diseño de Paginas Web Los Angeles

Usa Las nuevas tecnologias de Worpress para hacer tu pagina web un sitio dinamico y accesible en los motores de busqueda, Con Vivid Candi,

Dale Alas a tu Pagina Web

Actualiza tu sitio de internet, con paginas mas dinamicas, convierte tu sitio en el sistema WORPRESS, esto hara que los motores de busqueda te den mas puntos y sea mas facil obtener mejores resultados en tu negocio,